
Sunday 29 November 2020

What is Honey Allergy

allergy,honey,honey allergy

Honey is one of the most amazing products that we can get from animals or insects specifically. It is a sweet food made by bees using nectars from flowers. Impressively, this product has numerous health benefits and is known to be also a helpful ingredient. It is also known to be used as a cure for many ailments such as alopecia, arthritis, hypertension, stomach aches, headaches, and migraines.

Honey seems to be a really useful product however there are still some individuals who develop some allergic reactions to it. This is not surprising though since we know that this product comes from bees, which are also considered as a source of allergy to some people. And since honey is also known as a by-product of bees and pollen, people who are allergic to bee stings or pollen may also be susceptible to a honey allergy. Though this may cause skin irritation and discomfort, this allergy is still not serious and fatal but is something that can be easily treated.

Honey allergy happens when our bodies' immune mechanism mistakes honey as a harmful substance and therefore reacts to protect our body against it. It can be initiated and triggered by eating a honey product or having skin contact with it like applying a honey mask or creams with honey in it. Some common symptoms of honey allergy may include a runny nose, swollen lips or tongue, sneezing, and itchy throat after consuming the product. Itching may also be inevitable when the skin is involved in the allergic reaction, and may sometimes also cause the formation of reddish, swollen patches but will also subside after a few hours. For severe cases, signs may also include headaches or gastrointestinal allergy symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and even vomiting and diarrhea. These things are just some of the possible things that may happen but symptoms may still vary from person to person.

Honey allergy is not as dangerous as any other allergies. For people who have developed an allergy from this product, it will be best to avoid medicines, creams, food and beverage that has this substance. Some people just have mild reactions from this product so it will still be good to continue to consume or use honey but advisably in moderation.

Anti-histamine products are also preferred when treating honey allergies. Antihistamines inhibit the blood vessels in the body from receiving histamine, a substance that causes swelling, itching, redness, and other uncomfortable symptoms during an allergic reaction. Most healthy adults do not experience other side effects from taking antihistamines. But though some over-the-counter antihistamines are available, many of these cause drowsiness which is why it is still best to take medicines advised by the doctor.

Honey allergy may not be as dangerous as other allergies; however, it is still advised to consult doctors to prescribe treatment for it. Some experts say that even a minor allergic reaction can evolve in time into a more serious condition. Though this allergy is not really fatal, it will still help to be aware of the right things to do to avoid complications in the future.

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