
Wednesday 11 November 2020

What Is Endometriosis ?

endometriosis,endometriosis treatment

The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus. Endometriosis occurs when the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, grows outside of the womb and in the other parts of the body. During menstruation, the endometrium breaks down and sheds, which causes the blood to be released from our body. In endometriosis, the displaced tissue is attempting to do the same, but in those areas, it's not supposed to be in. This situation causes issues such as abnormal growths, scar tissue, bowel issues, pain, internal bleeding, and more issues that can arise.

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pain. Pain can be felt during or between periods. During the period cramps can be excruciating and over time may begin to worsen with each menstrual cycle. Pain while urinating during the cycle is possible as well. Pain during sex is common too. Women report more pain toward the back wall of the vagina versus the entrance. Chronic pain in the stomach or the pelvis is another symptom as well as digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or trouble passing stool. Some women even experience increased allergies, spotting between periods, and diarrhea. Infertility is also a symptom, especially, when endometriosis is not treated.

The exact cause of endometriosis is unknown however there are some conditions that may cause endometriosis. Menstrual flow problems seem to be the main factor. Menstrual blood flowing back into the fallopian tubes instead of outside of the vagina causes the endometrium to get into the pelvis and other parts of the body. The endometrium cells stay in these other parts of the body. Once they are in these other parts of the body, they began to attach to organs, grow and bleed. Endometriosis seems to affect more women between the ages of 30 and 40. Endometriosis is more common in women that have had a family member that's experienced this condition. A compromised immune system can begin the onset of any illness, endometriosis included. Another cause can be the use of the hormone estrogen. Surgery can be added as a possible cause. During a hysterectomy, a c-section, gall bladder removal, or surgeries related can cause endometrial tissue to be introduced to areas it's not supposed to grow in. The EPA even suggests that exposure to dioxins can cause endometriosis.

Laparoscopy can be used to get an in-depth look to see if endometriosis is a diagnosis possibility. Laparoscopy involves cutting a small hole under the belly button and inserting a camera to look around and take biopsies as well. A less invasive way to view what's going on is via ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to take pictures of the insides. A pelvic exam may be successful at diagnosing endometriosis as well and is usually the first exercise. With a pelvic exam, malformations as scars or cysts are felt for by hand. Since the malformations are felt for by hand, beginning or smaller bouts of endometriosis may not be detected with a pelvic exam.

Endometriosis is more common than you may believe. In recent history, the trends show that more and more females are being diagnosed. Have you or someone you know been diagnosed? What treatment options are you seeking?

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