
Friday 6 November 2020

Health Benefits of Co-Q10

benefits of coq10

This Nutrient Co-Q10 is a highly effective enzyme affecting the Liver, Heart, Respiratory System along with the Pituitary and Thyroid gland, Gums, and muscles. This enzyme is used by the body for energy at the cellular level. Co-Q10 helps the cells stay healthy and live longer. Unfortunately, as we age the levels of Co-Q10 in our bodies decrease. This causes oxidative stress at the cell level which speeds up the aging process.

Taking a Co-Q10 supplement can reduce damage at the cell level. Damage can occur to the cell membrane or DNA. Our Hearts are probably the biggest benefactor of a Co-Q10 Supplement. It can reduce Blood pressure and aid in recovery from a Heart Attack. In addition, it keeps LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and improves energy production in the Heart muscle.

I mentioned earlier that Co-Q10 could benefit bleeding Gums. This is true. Most studies have focused on the effects of C0-Q10 on the Heart, however, because of its Antioxidant Properties it has also been known to be of benefits in reducing the effects of Chemo-therapy, Gingivitis (Bleeding Gums), Gum Disease, Pyorrhea, Incontinence (urinary problems), Inflammation, Migraines, and other disorders. There has been recent research suggesting that Co-Q10 may be a benefit to Huntington's disease.

Anyone over age 50 should be taking Co-Q10 as a supplement. That being said can I just go to the local Nutrition store or Drug store and pick up a bottle labeled Co-Q10. The answer to that is a resounding NO! The Vitamin, Mineral, and Herbal Industry is for the most part unregulated. What that means is that any company can come up with a formula for Co-Q10 and go and have it manufactured in Mexico or some other third-world country and distribute it here in the USA and that's OK.

No that is not OK. Because of the situation that currently exists you need to see who is the distributor? Also, who is the manufacturer of the product? Third-party manufactures are not regulated by the FDA and the distributor has no control over quality.

I spent a lot of research on this very issue and found here in the good old USA a manufacturer and seller of this very product. They have research facilities I can tour and they have very tight control over the quality of the raw materials going into each and every product they manufacture and sell. They send out people into the field to view Herbs and other plants that go into every product. They turn down shipments if they do not meet quality standards.

This is the Highest Quality and most potent Co-Q10 that I have found on the market today. You take less and have a more quality result. So What does all this mean?

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