
Sunday 17 November 2019

How to Remove Nasal Polyps

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Nasal polyps are some nasty little things that form inside the sinuses. They are teardrop-shaped and look like grapes. They are brown, red and yellow in color and cause all sorts of problems for people that suffer from these growths. The symptoms include loss of smell, loss of taste, chronic sinusitis, excessive drainage, facial pain, snoring and sleep apnea.
Studies show that people who have bad allergies, chronic sinusitis and a history of sinus infections are more prone to developing the polyps. So below are ways to prevent as well as ways on how to remove nasal polyps.
Saline Rinse
This is a great way to keep your nose healthy. Rinsing your nose with saline rinse on a regular basis keeps the nose free of debris and allergens. And as mentioned earlier, sinusitis and sinus infections make a person more susceptible to developing polyps in the nose. So this is a great step in preventing polyps as well as easing and alleviating the symptoms of the growths.
Chili Peppers
Who would have thought that chili peppers can help treat and cure nasal polyps? Well, it's true. Studies show that capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers, increase blood flow and actually help shrink polyps naturally. Just one more way on how to remove nasal polyps.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has many uses, and one of those uses is for treating polyps. Tea tree oil is also very potent, so you will want to dilute the oil with a little purified water before using it to treat your polyps. After you dilute the oil, take a cotton swab, dip it into the diluted oil and swab the growths in your nose. If you can't reach them, simply swab the openings of your nose. Because of tea tree oil's anti-inflammatory properties, the polyps will shrink giving you relief from the symptoms of the polyp growths.
Studies have shown that foods rich in antioxidants help prevent free radical tissue damage and boost your immune system. So this, of course, means eating more broccoli, citrus fruits and taking vitamin c supplements can greatly reduce your chances of developing polyps and help to naturally cure nasal polyps that you have in your nose.
When using natural treatment options, often time's medications such as steroids, nasal drops, nasal sprays, and even surgeries can be avoided. However, always check with your doctor before using any natural supplement. Especially if you are on any medications and/or have any medical condition.


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